Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bush Waking Up

Bush Waking Up!

RRRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNG! Drat! There goes the alarm! I wonder if I should get up today.
Maybe I should call Dick and see what he thinks. No. I shouldn't bother him. He is probably busy. Anyway, I'm not sure where he is today, probably in one of his "undisclosed" locations. I know! I'll call Tony Snow! He will know! Wait! Olberman had a bit on Countdown the other night about the 400 press questions that Tony answered "I don't know"! Tony won't know!

Let's see. I can't call Rumsfeld any more. Besides he would just say he knew when he probably really didn't. Who else would answer my call? Hummmm. Maybe I'll just stay in bed today and see how it looks tommorrow.

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